Monday, April 4, 2011

Bully Breakdown

Bully: Someone who feels the need to have control over someone else, and attains that control through physical force or threats, verbal teasing, or exclusion.
There are 4 main types of bullies:
-Physical: those who use physical force to control others. This may include kicking, hitting, or shoving.
-Verbal: Use words to harm, such as name-calling, racist comments, insulting, or harsh teasing.
-Relational: Focus on the exclusion of one person from a peer group
-Reactive: Those who both bully and get bullied. Usually they are victims first, and react in the way that they were treated.
Boys are more likely to engage in physical bullying, while girls usually resort to relational bullying. Boys engage in bullying more frequently than girls do. However, there is a trend among girls that is becoming more and more prevalent especially in middle schools, and that is cliques.

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